Ufficio Commerciale del Consolato Generale: commerciale.gerusalemme@esteri.it
(informazioni e servizi per Cisgiordania e Gaza rivolgersi a ICE Amman)
Palestinian National Authority: http://www.pna.gov.ps/
Palestinian Legislative Council: http://www.pal-plc.org/
Ministry of National Economy: http://www.mne.gov.ps/
Ministry of Finance: http://www.mof.gov.ps/
Palestinian Monetary Authority: http://www.pma-palestine.org/
Palestinian Investment Fund: http://www.pa-inv-fund.com/
Palestinian Investment Promotion Agency (PIPA): http://www.pipa.gov.ps/
Palestinian Industrial Estates and Free Zones (PIEFZA): http://www.piefza.org/
Palestinian Standards Institution (PSI): http://www.psi.gov.ps/
Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistic: http://www.pcbs.org/t_self
Palestinian Chambers of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture: http://www.pal-chambers.org/
Palestinian Trade Center: http://www.paltrade.org/
Palestinian Federation of Industries: http://www.pfi.ps/
Palestinian Businessmen Association: http://www.pba-palestine.org/
Center for Private Sector Development (CPSD): http://www.cpsd.ps/
Palestinian Information Technology Association http://www.pita.ps/
Palestine Information and Communications Technology Incubator (PICTI): http://www.picti.ps/
The European Palestinian Chamber of Commerce: epcc@palnet.com
United Nations Office of the Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories (UNSCO): http://www.arts.mcgill.ca/mepp/unsco/unfront.html/t_blank
The World Bank Group – West Bank and Gaza: http://www.worldbank.org/ps
European Commission Technical Assistance Office for the West Bank and Gaza Strip: http://www.delwbg.cec.eu.int/
United Nations Development Programme - Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (PAPP): http://www.papp.undp.org/